Is RDI just a few strategies?
More then 12 years ago,
when I was first introduced to RDI, I asked the question what is
RDI? The answer I was given made some sense, but I still didn’t get it. I heard things like, you slow down with your child, or you don’t
ask questions. Great because fast and
questions was my normal so why would I want to do RDI?! J I read
articles and ultimately I did an entire blog called what is RDI to try and help
answer that question. It’s here
In reality it’s hard to take what you read about RDI and not
exclaim “ what does that mean for my family?”
That is because RDI is not a program where you are trying to change your
child’s mind through teaching behaviors or skills. Don’t get me wrong, those can be good
goals. The difference is RDI is working
WITH your child’s own mind, leading, guiding them to make new connections and
discoveries that make sense to them, and that helps them to relate to others
and learn from those experiences. Helping them learn through each interaction
in the relationship. Frankly that looks
a little different with each child an within every family. That is a good thing.
I believe there is entirely too much brain
work being done in the field of Autism,
where new connections are being made that are NOT fostering thinking and
flexibility and a child’s own intrinsic motivation. They are not focused on relationships but
instead on getting the child to do something with prompts and reinforcers. This is why the research is clear on how
development unfolds and what our kids true obstacles are. Side note- Behaviors are just the
symptoms. Think about what happens at
age 21 if ONLY skills are taught?! You
can teach a child a skill…but RDI is about teaching the child the function
behind the skill…AND the skill. Cool
thing is a lot of times when you help an individual relate to their partner in
a new experience, skills emerge
naturally. Those that don’t, you can then work on them. . I can tell you
that when I focused on the motivation for my own kids, it helped me get off the hamster wheel of
having to teach every single discreet skill.
I was constantly amazed to watch my kids get things I never taught
them, because they were picking it up by
observing and monitoring, just like in typical development. They were back on their own personal
developmental trajectory
Now, lets go over a few
RDI strategies that are out there.. so
the next time you hear “RDI is just about fill in the blank “or another
professional says, “yes we sort of do RDI in our program”, you can have a reference to think about.
RDI is slowing down- We
want to slow down our pace so that we are someone who our kids don’t feel like
they have to avoid! Our faster pace can
be a whirlwind for them, we want them to be able to take in what is happening
around them and this takes longer at first until we can build up their
processing speed. The more they feel
competent, the more they are motivated to practice…the more they will seek out
wanting to grow. Giving them the model
during activities where you re not rushed,
where you stop and say Oh I
wonder what will happen if we do this,
helps them to know that you will wait for their thought. The more this happens the less they will want
to engage in self stimulatory behavior to avoid feeling incompetent. The truth of the matter is we ALL want to
feel competent.
RDI is not talking- Behind this strategy is being mindful of your
communication and how much talking we as parents do because we aren’t getting
that same feedback. By not talking as
much, we get to see other opportunities and are more in tune to the subtle non
verbals going on. What I tend to see if parents think they cant talk is they start
pointing to everything, which is just as much a prompt. Less talking helps with being more mindful
that the talking in the interaction is not about the end result. You can
definitely talk with RDI, we just prefer
it be more Experience sharing language. Here is an example
RDI is not asking questions- This is just a continuation from above, again
the process is just getting used to activities with an experience sharing
Focus. You can ask questions.. you can ask questions you do NOT know the
answer too. If you know the answer to a
question, why ask it right? Example,
what color is this? You know the
color…so a more experience sharing way to communicate with your child would
be, Ohhh
I love this color and pause and see what they say. You have activated tons more brain neurons by
helping your child relate to you before thinking about what color it is. Lets build plenty of engagement neural
pathways! Boo to those static pathways.
RDI is videoing yourself and then you are told by
your consultant what you did wrong.
Self evaluation is the worse. I
heard Johnny Depp never watches himself on film …so we are not alone. As an RDI consultant, I love to watch videos on how the interaction
unfolded and how to change things up to see what would happen. This is called exploring and
experimenting. Does it make you feel
better if I were to say, I don’t think
anything is wrong in a video? THAT is
not the purpose. The reason for video is so that we can both see how the
activity went down, and which milestones were in play…what the child has and
what is an obstacle. It is not possible
to be in an activity and also get the most of what to plan for next time/next
activity. Video is a positive tool to
help us really see all the subtle events happening moment to moment. Its common for a parent to say, Ohh I
talked too much, or I didn’t wait long enough. I don’t see that as wrong
because we want our kids to be flexible and be able to adjust in dynamic
environments. However that reflection
is a wonderful tool to help with planning in the next activity. Its not wrong, its just information to celebrate and build
RDI is saying we did it together after every
activity- Research tells us that
our brain is set to receive negative responses within seconds. This is because
if a car is heading towards us our brain needs to say ‘GET OUT OF THE
WAY”. For this reason, the brain can
encode negative experiences and memories faster…. A sort of direct line. Contrast this with positive experiences. Ever
hear someone say, “ let me stand here
for a second and soak this in!” That is
because it takes the brain longer to encode a positive memory. Given this information, we can see how many of our kids gravitate
towards negative emotions and experiences.
In RDI we spotlight the positive
parts of any interaction,, during the activity,
and want to end with something positive that the child takes away. We don’t want a child walking away not
knowing what he got out of any interaction.
By spotlighting, we are helping his brain see the positive. This is another reason we are not task
focused in RDI, because we don’t want the focus to be on the task. This is why sometimes Ill tell a family to
just involve their child in the middle of an activity and don’t worry about “finishing” with their
child We want the takeaway to be the
child relating to their partner. This is
also why we tend to keep activities short in the beginning to begin to build more pathways for
positive. Ending in a positive note is
huge for encoding success for our kids.
Its sounds simple, but once our
child is interacting we want to keep going.
Then ultimately if they disengage we have lost the opportunity to encode
succees. Through video reflections we
keep that edge of where they feel safe and competent growing and stretching so
that interactions can be longer
RDI is doing chores around the house. The truth is chores can be used but so can
play, social games, baking cooking etc.
RDI is considered the untherapy because we actually are trying to insert
your child into activities you are already doing. Social games and open ended activities are my
favorite because it is harder to focus on the end task…and since I want the
focus to be the experience of that is good.
Chores are great because there is nothing reinforcing about putting
silverware away or doing wash. That’s
good too because it gives the opportunity to help both parent and child relate
and focus on one another, giving each other a role. Yes Chores can be fun..anything can be fun
when the focus is the relationship. If
you are hearing Im bored or your child is walking away, it means the engagement has to be worked on.
This is just a glimpse of some of the strategies in RDI. These
strategies are about optimizing the environment. When learning how to relate, prepping the environment for the goals and
objectives that will be worked on is the crux of RDI. Your family and your RDI consultant team up
with unique goals to increase engagement, Experience sharing and Growth seeking
( not afraid of new experiences and actually begins to prefer them over the
same old same old)) Skills become part
of the process once functions are in place,
the why bother of skills.
That is when you see remediation. You see meaningful engagement ( where they
observe not just engage with you to get their needs met) Gaze shift (
meaningful eye contact) Experience sharing- sharing perspectives and growth
seeking ( wanting small manageable challenges/wanting to try hard things, over sameness/not having challenge)
If you do not currently have a consultant start practicing
some of the above strategies to get you ready!
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