The Impact of Autism (ASD) on Episodic Memory
IF you haven't read part one, click here The main body of research on episodic memory within ASD has been carried out by Lind. Lind(2010) states that the interpersonal social communication difficulties, experienced by individuals with ASD, inhibits their ability to form episodic memories through parent-child engagements within shared moments, events or episodes. · As individuals with autism have difficulty sensing the emotions that they are experiencing in the moment this will impede any emotional episodic memory encoding and will therefore impact emotion related recall. o Research by Lind (2010), cites a case study in which a 21-year-old high functioning individual with autism was able to recall that one of his unique personality traits was that he was friendly. When asked to recall specific detail on when he was friendly to another, or an event where he showed friendly behaviour, he was unable to do so. He had an inability to tie his self-belief to a