Eye Contact- Fostering your Child with Autism to WANT to look at you
“Look at me”….I don’t know about you, but each time I hear that I am transported back to my childhood, when I’m in trouble with my Mom. I would come home and first thing I knew to do is NOT look at my mom….because well, gaze holds all sorts of emotion!! Maybe if I did not look at her, she would think I did not see her and I could escape upstairs…yeah, you know how that ends!! To my surprise fast forward to when I became a mom and then for my second and third child, a mom to two children with Autism…I found myself hearing some people tell me to instruct my child to look at me for any sort of eye contact. I of course did just that for awhile…because like any mom, I wanted desperately to have my beautiful boys look in my eyes. I felt as though there were two things standing in the way of me and my boys. One was that they did not look at me and the other is they did not talk.( I will write on that next week J ) If they would just look at me….and talk to me….ahhh, my heart